The Annual General Meeting of the Glen Williams Community Association was held Wed. Oct. 25 at the Glen Williams Town Hall. Again this year, over 50 members were in attendance. It was the members’ opportunity to review the association’s progress in 2017 and to elect its Board of Directors for 2018.

During the evening, Glen residents mingled with old and new friends, learned more facts about current and future Glen issues, and enjoyed some fun by partaking in a community wine and cheese and a Glen Trivia Contest.

Our Thanks

The GWCA would like to thank Dale and Dave Cox, Joan Griffin, Drew Leverette, Claudia Stanic and Tom Wharton for serving on the Board in 2017. Continuing to serve on the 2018 Board are Janet Bailey, Matt Kindbom, Alex Leger, Kate Murray, Ken Paige, Derek Remes, Don Robinson, Claudia Russell and Wayne Van Hinte. Fresh faces joining the Board include Jude Jayalath and Rebecca Moore-Whitsitt. Appointment of Officers will take place at the new Board’s first meeting. The Board will also consider appointing additional Directors from other Glen neighbourhoods.

The Annual Report

Outgoing President Drew Leverette presented an oral summary of the Annual Report. In doing so, he highlighted some facts gained by the current Board related to: Board & Government Relations; Communications & Membership; Activities, Events & Community Groups; Business & Arts Community; Development & Infrastructure; Traffic & Safe Active Transportation; Natural & Built Heritage.

Drew encouraged everyone to find their own special way to become a “hamlet-keeper”, because everyone tells him that what they value most is the Glen’s “special sense of place”. In that spirit, he identified some pressing issues:

  1. Residents must be vigilant in articulating to Town elected officials and Staff where the Town’s policies and desire for uniformity conflict with our hamlet’s form and function.
  2. The Town should be asked to discuss the issues and concerns of the residents surrounding “The Field”, before this Eden Oak development progresses any further.
  3. The Town should be asked to discuss an overall plan for the future of Parks, Trails & Open Space in Glen Williams, before all the hamlet’s active green space is lost subdivision by subdivision.

With the AGM adjourned, participants and Councillors stayed for trivia, fun and conversation with friends.

Win-Win for a Meal at the Glen Tavern

Two Glen residents – Janice Giles and Joy Woodward – became eligible for a $150 Glen Tavern Gift Certificate after submitting perfect answers to our Trivia Contest. To break the tie, a name was drawn and Chef Stewart Aylward presented the prize to Janice. Janice and Brett then invited Joy and Dave to join them for dinner. Now that’s the Glen at its best! Janice later wrote that they enjoyed a great evening and “highly recommends the Tavern for a special night out”. The GWCA thanks the Glen Tavern for its generosity.

Thanks to all those who came to experience friends, facts and fun at our AGM. The new GWCA Board looks forward to your ongoing support in 2018.