This is one of my favourite times of year; the days are getting longer, the grass is green again, patios start to open, and the Glen comes out of its winter slumber. It is also the time for spring cleaning, when we open the doors, get rid of the clutter, and focus on the year ahead. This year there are a number of initiatives affecting the community of which the GWCA Board of Directors wants you to be aware.

GWCA Granted Party Status at OMB Hearing

The Eden Oak Meagan-McMaster development (formerly known as the “Devins” development), has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The GWCA applied for, and was granted, Party status at the OMB hearing. This gives us the opportunity to ask questions and make submissions to the OMB, so that the views of GWCA members can be taken into account. As I write this we are still awaiting a revised submission from the developer to the Town of Halton Hills, which will hopefully address a number of issues that the community has brought forward including: water drainage, traffic, and incorporating green space. The GWCA will continue to fight for the full implementation of the Glen Williams Secondary Plan on behalf of our members and the community. All information on this development and the OMB process can be found on the Town of Halton Hills website.

Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study

We have also been working on the Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study. This is an initiative by the Town to better understand the character of the Glen and determine the best ways of preserving that character. The study is currently underway. An initial walk around of the community occurred in late March to help define the parameters of the study, and the steering committee is guiding the work forward. GWCA board members sit on the steering committee and will continue to work with the town until the project’s completion later this year.

Trails and Parks in The Glen

Spring is the time of year when the Glen’s parks and trails come alive, and we are reminded of the importance that nature plays in our physical and mental well-being. The GWCA board has been working with the Town to keep up a dialogue about the trails and parks in the Glen with a view to ensuring that new developments do not hinder access to the natural beauty of the Glen, and do not prevent us from adding more trails and parks even as the community continues to grow.

Make Your Voice Heard

These are a few of the items we are working on where we feel it’s important for the community to have a voice so that local concerns aren’t lost in the big picture. As a Board we always recognize that although we may speak on behalf of the GWCA members, there are other voices out there that need to be heard. If you have concerns about the issues above, or about other issues that you feel need more attention, we would love to hear about them. Please do not hesitate to contact us; we are always happy to hear from our members or other voices in the community.

Spring is the time for rejuvenation. A time of hope and anticipation. Personally, I’m looking forward to meeting more neighbours, sharing more stories, tubing down the Credit, and working to keep the Glen the special place that it is for those here now, and those to come.

Alex Léger
Glen Williams Community Association